We are holding a mid year social & meeting at the East Columbia Library on Wed. Feb. 19th at 6 pm. We will be getting this catered by Tino's Italian Bistro. During the meeting we would like to provide an overivew to our recently published Howard County Pickleball Master Plan report that Duane StClair, Steve Orr and Cathy Spain worked diligently on for the last quarter of 2019. Duane will speak on the process and the resulting plan as well as explain our plans for it's future use. Additionally, we will give an update to Ho. Co. Recreation & Parks announced plans for pickleball courts and the latest offerings from Columbia Association. Finally we will solicit feedback on how we are doing as an association and answer any questions.
The association will be purchasing pizza & salad for the evening and we are requesting that you bring a non-alcoholic beverage of your choice. We will have flatware, cups, plates and napkins.
To gauge how much pizza & salad we need to order, please fill out the doodle poll. We need to put our order in for the food by Monday afternoon so please respond by noon on Monday.