Andy Dalal


Andy's Bio

I first played pickleball in December 2019 for my dad’s 83rd birthday. He had been playing for three years prior to that and had been asking me to play with him. I said, “if you are playing this game, then it’s probably not for me.” After playing that first time, I had a chance to play a few more times before the pandemic hit. During the pandemic, our family set up a court in our driveway mostly to keep my dad engaged but soon the whole family wanted to play.  The rest is history.  I was quickly addicted, not only to the game itself, but to the community of people that I have met and associated with from all parts of the world just from playing pickleball!    Read More



Patty Guzman

Vice President of Operations

Patty's Bio

I grew up in New Hampshire, and moved to Maryland in 1982, where I began a career with the US Government. For many years, I concentrated on work and raising a family, but in 2016 I saw an NBC news clip about pickleball and decided to give it a try. 

Things moved slowly at first. But after I retired in 2018, I began to play A LOT! Like many of us, pickleball served as an excellent form of exercise and socialization during the pandemic. Read More


Troy Osten

Vice President of Technology Operations & Planning

Troy's Bio

In July 2021 I went to my hometown, St. Petersburg, FL for my nephew’s wedding. While in town, I met with a few high school friends and got invited to play. As a former racquetball player, I was immediately hooked! St Pete was awesome since they have dedicated and lighted courts at every County Park. I was amazed at how many folks would show up at 7 AM for pickup games.    Read More


Ken Billingsley


Ken's Bio

I am a 2020 Covid-convert to Pickleball.  I started playing at Atholton Park after a game of tennis (with racquetball friends).  After the first week I purchased the same paddle set everyone else had from Amazon, and two weeks later upgraded to the Costco set of paddles.  I soon joined the HCPA to find more opportunities to play around the county.    Read More


Gail Kennedy


Gail's Bio

Don't you just love pickleball? I played today (like usual) and when one of the players left he said, "Now I have to go to stupid work." I think many (most?) pickleball players who are not yet retired feel that way. Work gets in the way of playing pickleball! I have been playing about six years. A fellow tennis player and friend who was visiting from California brought paddles and balls when she visited, and I was instantly hooked. I started playing at Atholton with very kind people who were willing to play with a newbie. I retired 4 years ago (from stupid work) and pickleball has been a lifeline. Read More



Joanne Griesser

At Large Board Member


Joanne's Bio

In 2015, I was looking for a fun way to exercise. I had heard about this game called Pickleball and thought with that crazy name it might be fun. I mentioned my aspiration to a friend, and she wanted to try it as well. The next week or so Rec and Parks advertised an intro class at Meadowbrook, and we signed up. There were no instructors or a list of rules, we just kind of hit the ball around with some wooden paddles and laughed a lot. We eventually did learn the rules and started playing real games. I still see many of the people from that class on the courts today. Read More


Joe Pagan

At Large Board Member

Joe's Bio

Joe enjoys playing pickleball, tennis, traveling and having a good time.