Our Association is collecting food for the Howard County Food Bank this week. When you come to play we are asking that you bring canned or boxed foods for the Food Bank. There will be boxes at each play to collect your donations. You can also make a donation to our Association for the Food Bank using the PayPal app on our website. Just be sure to put "Food Bank Donation" in the subject line.

Because of the response to its Monday night pickleball ladder league, the Columbia Association is developing a second pickleball ladder league on Sunday evening from 6-8 pm at the Owen Brown Club. If you would be interested in playing in this league call the Long Reach Tennis Club at 410-423-4120 and ask to be put on the pickleball league waitlist. You will be contacted with more details as they develop.
Posted by Duane St. Clair

We know that because of the virus some members are hesitant to play doubles so we will be offering a modified singles play next Monday at 6 pm at Locust Park courts. The sign up will be limited to 8 players. The play will be modified by narrowing the width of the court. The width will be 12 ft rather than 20 ft to make it more manageable. We can also try a court that is 14 ft wide. If there is enough interest we can look at expanding it in future weeks. To sign up use the link below.

Tino's Restaurant Today - This was the day we were to have our fundraiser. To support Tino's we are asking members to support them today with a takeout or delivery. We are not asking that they donate this year. If you order today, let them know you are a member of the Association.  This is our way to show our support for them.

Website Password Reset - We are currently experiencing a technical issue with the website's password reset form.  The problem is that the form doesn't allow for the entry of a new password.  Earl is currently working on the issue with support technicians and will hopefully resolve it soon.  However, if you need to revise your password, please notify Earl and he will revise it for you and then email the new password.  You should be able to revise it after logging in on the first screen with your profile information.

Inclement Weather - Should one of our scheduled open play dates need to be cancelled due to inclement weather, please see the banner on the website's Home page.  We will post it there once we have made that decision. 

I know we are all wondering about when we might be able to return to playing pickleball. While the progress of the virus and the protections we will have to adopt in the coming months it might useful to consider how we might adjust our game to play safe. We will have to work with organizations like the Columbia Association and Recreation and Parks which will determine when courts will be open again. I recently became aware of a video that addressed some of the changes we might have to consider. Here is a link to that video. https://youtu.be/1lyaSyo_axk