I know we have asked for volunteers for the Recreation and Parks tournament at Meadowbrook but the Senior Olympics 2 weeks later also needs volunteers. This is the first year that the Senior Olympics tournament is being held at Meadowbrook. If you can volunteer for a morning or afternoon session either Saturday August 17 or Sunday the 18th let me know by email at duanestclair@gmail.com Thanks

This year the Senior Olympics pickleball is being played at Meadowbrook. Scott Keenum is directing the play this year and is really in need of some volunteers to help with the tournament. The tournament runs on Saturday and Sunday, August 17 and 18. I know that this is a busy vacation time but if you would consider volunteering any of the times mentioned below it would be greatly appreciated. Here is the information from Scott who can be reached at sskeenum@gmail.com
Dear Pickleball Enthusiasts, The games are soon approaching and we have a full house. I am seeking volunteers to work 4-5 hour shifts. We will have 4-4 court “small tournaments” which will need a Director and 2 volunteers to run their respective tournament. Will need 3 volunteers to welcome participants and assist Stacy. That makes 15 volunteers per shift. Saturday, 8/17, 8:30-12:30. Women’s Doubles Saturday, 8/17, 11:30-5:30. Men’s Doubles Sunday, 8/18, 8:30-1:00 Mixed Doubles Sunday, 12:30-5:30 Singles

With our Summer play starting soon we need to develop a list of volunteers who will set up nets for one week at each location. Volunteers can set up at either the Ice Rink or Locust Park. We will play at the Ice Rink on Tuesday and Saturday and at Locust Park on Saturdays. If we don't have volunteers to set up will have to cancel play for those days. If we have a good response for volunteers we won't have to have anyone set up too often. If you volunteer for the Ice Rink I will contact you to explain how the system will work. If you volunteer for the Locust Park set up Steve Orr will contact you to coordinate that location. To contact me to volunteer at the Ice Rink send me an email at duanestclair@gmail.com. To reach Steve to volunteer at Locust Park email him at steventorr1@gmail.com

The Columbia Association is now in the process of developing a 5 year strategic plan. Here is a link to the plan and information on the May 9th resident speak out. www.columbiaassociation.org/columbia-association-5-year-strategic-planning-process/
We have had some successes with CA (i.e. Owen Brown courts) and some failures (i.e. Ice Rink and Locust Park permanent pickleball courts). This is a time to show that we want to be on CA's "radar" when they plan new facilities. If you can attend the speak out on May 9th great. If not then you can email your comments. Here are suggested things to say but individualize your response. "As a member of the Howard County Pickleball Association and an avid pickleball player, I hope CA will include a well established pickleball program that provides dedicated pickleball facilities for both indoor and outdoor use. Pickleball is a growing sport both in the senior ages as well as the children of our community. It would be great to see CA establish a plan that offers various facilities and organized play sessions to support this fast growing sport."