Reminder - Columbia Association Open House this Saturday - We received the following information from HCPA member Sonny Tannan at CA and wanted to pass it along to our members.
"Join us on Saturday, March 14, 2020, from 12:30 pm - 2 pm for our Pickleball Open House. We will have 6 indoor pickleball courts available at Long Reach Tennis Club (6180 Old Dobbin Ln, Columbia, MD 21045) for open play, games and limited instruction (demo paddles may be available for use).
Each participant* that will be playing in the Pickleball Open House event will be required to provide Sonny Tannan ( the following information in order to participate in the event and play on the courts:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Skill level rating (Click on link for definitions) <>
- Age (in 2020)
- Columbia Association (CA) Member = Yes or No
*For minors, parents must provide information for each participant and may use their own email address as contact information.
There will be a maximum number of participants allowed for this event due to the space available and the popularity of the last event. So, don't wait to get your registration back to me!"
Association League Plans - At this time our association has no plans to setup any leagues. Both Columbia Association and Howard County Recreation & Parks are offering leagues.
Association Shirt Sale - We are considering selling shirts again this year, however, we need a volunteer willing to manage the effort. We can assist in providing some background on what's involved. If anyone is willing to take on this short term role, please contact Earl via email (
Carl Korn says:
Today, May 23, we arrived at Locust Park to play having signed up in the doddle for the 10 am spot. We set up nets and began to play. There was a problem. Rob and his friends were playing on one of the courts using their own net. They were there when we arrived around 9:40 am. This meant we had 3 courts and 16 people wanting to play. Rob and his friends when confronted did not see any reason that they needed to leave and continued to play for the next hour. Did we have these courts reserved for our club or was Rob and his friends in their rights to use the court causing us to have to share the 3 other?
Carl and Myla Korn