Soliciting Volunteers - As we draw closer to the end of our fiscal year, we are working to fill some board positions as well as looking for members who would like to help manage the association.  If you would like to get involved in helping to run the association, please contact one of our board members: Earl Sneeringer, Steve Orr, Harold White, Dororthy Boulton, Duane StClair, Barry Leech, Carol White, Juanita Matthews, Sonny Tannan, Ji-Hyon Kim, Joanne Griesser.

New Open Play Offerings - Howard County Recreation & Parks will begin to offer some open play sessions on the lined tennis courts at Western Regional Park and Hammond Park.  There will be a volunteer site supervisor who will set up the nets and coordinate the play. Eventually, they will be adding Schooly Mills Park but they are waiting for some equipment.  The current schedule is:

  • Western Regional Park - Sunday's 9 am to 11 am starting on May 23rd. 
  • Hammond Park - Thursday's 6 pm to 8 pm starting May 27th.  

Logo Survey - Thanks to those who participated in the Logo Survey.  The majority of responders selected to continue with the current design.

Association Clothing Sale - In the next month we will be offering the purchase of shirts and other items with the association logo on them.  We typically provide a web page with the clothing offering shown along with the price.  The association picks up the tax and the shipping cost. Once we make the arrangements with the vendor we will post the web page and send out a notification.

Year End Survey - We would like to get your feedback on how we are doing.  Please take a moment and fill out the following survey.

HCPA 2021 Year End Survey

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