Saturday Morning Int/Adv at Locust Park - We are extending the hours of play at this location from 8 am to 11 am. Some folks like to get up and out early while others come out later. The doodle has been update.
Pre-registration for our PB Sessions - Some folks have question why we are doing the pre-registration sign-up doodles. There are two reasons. One is that we are attempting to limit the crowds at the courts so we can maintain appropriate social distancing and stay compliant with the CDC guidelines. The other reason is for contact tracing. By obtaining people's name and email address, if someone notifies us that they have become infected by COVID-19 we will have a means to contact others to warn them. We are asking members to honor this registration system. Please be aware that from now on, if you do not register ahead of time, the coordinator will be asking for your contact information via either text or email so they can record it.
Once again, with the high demand of playing positions; if you sign-up and are unable to attend, please try to remove your name from the doodle. If you have issues, contact me via email at
Communicating Updates for Web Pages - A column to right on the home page will be added shortly that will signify when one of our pages gets updated. In this way if you are wondering if an update took place on the Organized Play, you won't have to login, just go to the home page to see when the last update was made. Emails will not be used to communicate this.