Chapelgate Indoor PB - I have created the doodle for our first indoor PB drop-in session on Monday, 9/9, starting at 7 pm. We are using this doodle for both our members and the church congregation to sign-up for the 24 slots available for that night. If you sign up and then determine you can't make it, please send me an email so I can delete your entry ( In the future you will find the doodle posted on the Organized Play page within our website on Thursday morning.
Chapelgate Indoor PB Sign-up - 9/9/19
Organized Play Changes - This week will the the last for both Monday and Friday mornings. Next week we are returning to our fall schedule of weekday drop-in sessions on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Ice Rink courts along with Monday nights at Chapelgate and Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Locust Park for intermediate to advance players. We are considering adding another evening session for novice players but this will depend on obtaining a volunteer to setup the nets. If anyone is willing to take this on, please contact Duane StClair (