Please fill in the following form and then send in your payment by check to the address shown below. Please add your email address to the check so we can communicate electronically with you.
You will have access to the members section for the next couple weeks while we wait for your check. Your access will return to the public access after 30 days if we don't receive your check by then. If this happens and you did send in your check please send an email to to notify us or your situation.
Make your check out to Howard County Pickleball Association and send the check to:
Howard County Pickleball Assoc. or HCPA
10400 Shaker Dr. PO Box 114
Simpsonville, MD 21150-9998
We have three membership types:
- Individual - the fee is $30 per year
- Couples - the fee is $45 per year
- Family - the fee is $60 per year
For those registering as Couples or Family, if you would like to have other family members registered with their own user id, please notify the web master via the email address and a coupon code will be sent to you allowing the family member to register for free.
Please review the CODE OF CONDUCT accessed via the link below. By joining our association you are agreeing to adhere to this.
Please read the AGREEMENT, RELEASE & WAIVER OF LIABILITY listed below. By joining our association you are agreeing to this waiver.
AGREEMENT, RELEASE & WAIVER OF LIABILITY: I recognize and understand that there are certain inherent risks to which I will be exposed because of the nature and level of the sports activity in which I have agreed to participate. I understand and agree that the Howard County Pickleball Association, their agents and officials assume no responsibility for injury or illness that I may sustain as a result of my physical condition or my participation in any Howard County Pickleball Association event. I understand it is my responsibility to provide my own accident and health insurance coverage and that the Howard County Pickleball Association, their agents and officials, do not provide any accident or health insurance for their participants or volunteers. I also give my permission for the Howard County Pickleball Association to use or distribute, without limitation or obligation, any record of the events which may include my voice or image. As evidenced by my agreement on the registration form, I hereby, for my heirs, administrators and assignee's, release, waive and hold harmless the Howard County Pickleball Association, their agents and officials from any manner of claims or lawsuits that my result from my participation in this sport.