Come join us for some pickleball, pizza and potluck.

The Association has rented the Owen Brown Tennis Club's pickleball courts from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Thursday June 20th.    This is a trial run for a social event that the association is considering sponsoring once or twice a month during the summer.  We plan to purchase pizza and are asking participant to bring some kind of finger food to share as well as your desired beverage.  We are asking for members and guests to sign-up by Noon on Wed. 6/19 so we can get an accurate count to determine how much pizza to order.  We are also requesting a $5 donation to help offset the cost for the event, which can be paid via the donation tab on our website or pay that evening.  Additionally we will hold our annual meeting briefly around 8 pm. 

Please use the following doodle to sign-up for the event.

Owen Brown Pickleball Social Sign-up

Hope to see you there! 

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