The number of players using Locust Park on Saturdays has become problematic for advanced players coming before 11 am and intermediate players to stay after 11 am. With both the intermediate play and the advanced play scheduled back to back we have players coming for more than one session. We have too many players in the intermediate session to have advanced players coming before 11 am and then staying for the advanced session.

Starting this Saturday the intermediate session will run from 7 am to 10 am. At 10 am there will be a strict transition from intermediate play to advanced play. Any ongoing intermediate games will be allowed to finish after 10 am but no new intermediate games can begin after 10 am. As the intermediate matches end the advanced players can then start their game on that court. Advanced players who come and play before 10 am will not be allowed to stay after 10 am for the advanced session. The session coordinators for both the intermediate and advanced play will monitor the transition process. This new procedure was worked out and agreed to by both Tom Mauriello and Duane St. Clair.  Posted by Duane St. Clair

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