Instructional Clinics - Duane St. Clair and other Board members are currently working on an intermediate clinic in late September.  The training is in the planning stage but will focus on helping players at the intermediate level (3.0-3.5) learn some of the techniques and skills necessary to play at a higher competitive level.  We will be posting a sign-up doodle for those interested later this month.

New Player Instruction - If you know of someone who is interested in learning pickleball, have them fill out a form found under the web site menu item: Instruction.  They will be contacted by Barry Leech.

Open Play Time Changes - As the daylight starts to diminish earlier, we will be starting our evening sessions earlier.

Newsletter Contributions - Please consider sharing information with our members, such as playing pickleball while on vacation or an interesting article found.  Joanne Griesser is the newsletter editor and her contact information can be found within the Members Directory.  Please send any contributions by the end of Sept. for our fall edition.

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