Next PB Potluck Social - Although we are still planning on having our PB social on Sunday, 9/22, in the afternoon from 4 pm to dark; the venue location may need to change due to the closing of the office and the construction.  This was just learned this morning so I will need to confer with the board to determine if an alternative location is feasible.  Stay tuned for more information as we figure out what we want to do.  Once again, here is the doodle sign-up link:

Sign-up for PB Potluck Social on 9/22

Winter PB indoors on Sat. morning - At the moment we have 11 people who responded positively to our request for people willing to pay upfront for the Saturday morning school sessions.  The association has decided to request a minimum of 16 people to register.  We still need five more folks to sign-up.  Once it get's closer I will establish a mechanism on our web page to pay the amount.  We will also be looking for substitutes who could possibly reimburse you if you aren't able to make it.  We are limited in our indoor venues so we are hoping this will be available to us like last year.  Here's the doodle poll link to sign-up for the Saturday indoor session to ensure we get the minimum 16 people.

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