With the weather changing many of us have started to switch to indoor play but the weather looks decent this week to take advantage of Owen Brown being available for everyone to play both during the day around 10 am and with the lights in the evening starting around 5 pm. More information tomorrow about the new play opportunities at the Long Reach Tennis Club and the Athletic Club for both CA members and non-members.
Author: Duane StClair
The Columbia Association is holding an Open House this Saturday Nov. 14th at the indoor Long Reach Tennis Center at 6180 Old Dobbin Ln, Columbia, MD 21045 from 2:30 to 4 pm. To register to play call 410-423-4120
Nets will be set up at the Ice Rink today from 9:30 to 11:30. Play for all levels.
With rain predicted for Tuesday, the pickleball session at the Ice Rink courts will be Monday at 10 am rather than Tuesday.
Today's rain has caused the drill session on soft shots to be canceled. Will wait to see what next weekend's weather looks like to reschedule.
Come out and drill in a fun game of soft shots and dinking this Sunday, October 20th at 2 pm at the Locust Park courts. No volleying allowed after the serve and return. Sign up with this link to the Doodle. doodle.com/poll/haa5m6cvednrxwwg
Yesterday 16 players came out for our first intermediate session. The focus was on how to start every point with 3 steps. First is serve deep, second return deep and third is third shot soft shot or drop. Here is a video of this technique. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKQU52FB_2s It is important to know what to do on a good 3rd shot and a poor 3rd shot. When to move up and when to move back. Here is a video showing this. When to go up and when to stay back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuvYdhpaRzQ If you haven't "liked" the Howard County Pickleball Association Facebook page, why not do it now for more tips. www.facebook.com/howardcountypickleball/
If you wanted to attend one or both of the sessions but were unable when it was limited to 10, I have reopened the sessions to accommodate 18 people. Here is the link to sign up doodle.com/poll/keu58bac26r43sh6
I will be doing 2 intermediate instruction sessions this month on Sunday, Sept. 15th and Sunday, Sept. 29th from 2 pm to 3:30 pm at the Locust Park courts. The sessions will focus on the areas that most 3.0 intermediate players need to work on to play closer to the 4.0 level. Each session will cover different areas and you can register for one or both session. I want to limit the number of players to 10 to give everyone enough attention. Here is the Doodle to sign up for the sessions. doodle.com/poll/keu58bac26r43sh6
We received another check yesterday from Tino's as our proceeds from their restaurant night a month ago. We have been the reciepents of over a $1,000 from Tino's in support of our Association. Many of our nets and equipment have been purchased with the money they have given to us. When you are looking for a good Italian restaurant to eat at remember to try Tino's. When you go tell the server you are there because they support our Association.