Seasons Greetings - Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season preparations as we also prepare for winter weather.  Best wishes for a joyful holiday and a happy new year!

Monday Night at Chapelgate - This Monday, 12/16, will be our last session for 2019.  We have been approved to continue with our Monday nights starting on 1/6/19 and continuing till the end of April.

Indoor PB Alternatives for Winter - I have posted our tentative schedule for indoor PB from January through March on the Organized Play page.  I am continuing to work on some of the details but we have received confirmation on several school cafeterias for during the week and a gym/cafeteria for Saturday morning.  I am working to fill some of the gaps and will update the schedule image as I receive confirmation for our requests.  Weekday nights will only require a donation for the use of painter's tape to lay the lines down.  We will be posting a sign-up doodle each week for these locations with posted limits for the number of players to allow for enough playing time.  

We are still working on a way to pay for Saturday mornings and unless we can figure a way to pay for it, we may need to drop this venue.  If we get enough people to cover the two sessions (32 people to pay $104 each ) or a smaller number of people to cover the full session (16 people to pay $169 each) the association will cover the remaining cost.  We are monitoring the entries of the latest doodle survey:

Survey for Indoor PB on Saturday

Owen Brown Tennis Club's PB Courts - I have been informed that CA will be turning the lights off as of 1/5/2020.  Enjoy the outside courts for the remaining month and holidays.

Reminder - Don't leave your pickleball paddle in the car during the winter, the cold temperatures can harm them. 

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